You can still happy and get wet in a building exploding

For this commission I was asked to create a typeface poster for an Amsterdam Film Exhibition in 2021. The request needed to show a contrast between two elements, which are emotions and aggressiveness; with ease: blue and orange would be the choices of contrast.

The first part of the typeface consists of “You Can Still Be Happy and Get Wet” which is about crying, so the composition and layout of the dripping-style text resembles a blue teardrop. The shapes and angles of the typeface are rounded and smooth.

The second part, “In a Building Exploding” contrasts the othe one, wth more geometrical and sharrp shapes that could, indeed, resemble a building exploding. In a orangy-yellow gradient to transmit warmth and fire, so again playing with the contrast of the blue teardrop.

The work process of this commission consisten on;

- First; a draft on paper was created so I could share the first idea. Sometimes this is the way to work cause when going then to vector and 3D. Once that is appoved, it moves to the next phase.

- Second; the typeface gets vectorized and worked on a layout to see/imagine how the final result would be.

- Third; here is where the fun comes: with the vectorized typeface, different materials, lights and texture, colors and also a process of sculpting, to render try-outs witht he purpose of getting the desired result. 

This imaginary was mostly used for digital platforms; social media, newsletters... and it gave the visual identity of the exhibition.

Final artwork

typeface made for an exhibition poster in Amsterdam. with the aim to evocate a water-tear drop with round shapes falling to another color typeface, with sharper edges and fire-like colors. 
1st typeface draft

digital vector with Illustrator

© juanfaraco24
“i think it’s an okey thing to express yourself” - britney spears